Education Solutions Education

We provide a platform for the convenience of learners

One-Step learning solution for every technical student/professionals, Learnengg platform is proud to announce to be part of a NEAT initiative by MHRD & AICTE. The aim of NEAT is to bring the best technological Products in education pedagogy on a single platform for the convenience of learners. Technology Products using Artificial Intelligence for customized learning or e-content in niche areas having highly employable skills are identified for showcasing on the portal

Content Products

We are open to change and maintaining flexibility.

Q & A Products

We value our people, encourage their development and reward their performance.

Learning Objects

I / We put quality first to deliver WOW services.


Lecture Hours of Digital Content


3D/2D Demonstrations


Page of Content


Solved Tutorial Problems


Multiple Choice Questions


Question & Answer APPs

Limitless Learning Limitless Possibilities

Learning can happen anywhere both online /offline with our Content Product and Important Question & Answers on Personal Computer, Laptop, TAB, Mobile featuring enhanced navigation and faster streaming for any time learning.

The solution offered is by combining the best Indian and Western ways of Teaching and Learning. In India, Engineering is taught through Concepts and Fundamentals, while in the West, it is done through Products and Applications.

Fundamental Law
Working Principle
Solved Tutorial Problem

The solution offered is by combining the best Indian and Western ways of Teaching and Learning. In India, Engineering is taught through Concepts and Fundamentals, while in the West, it is done through Products and Applications.

Learn 3D Way

Our Solution is measured and benchmarked against well known 4-Quadrant approach recommended for ICT-enabled education

Four Quadrant Approach

Our e-Learning solution is compatible with SCORM standards.

Method 1:

We provide a depth level of content arranged in the

We provide a depth level of content arranged in the
1. unit wise
1.1 Chapter wise
1.1.1 Topic wise

  • This arrangement is followed based on the lesson planning and as per the university/Board/NCVT syllabus.
  • At First, Text Content is provided with details as per topic requirements. It is supported by sketches and images.
  • Visual demonstrations (mostly 3D) are embedded across for better understanding.
  • It is followed by a self-assessment
Our Special Features are:
  • Reference text books for given topic/subject.
  • Links to other open resources on the World Wide Web.
  • Summary of Units and Measurements applicable to a specific product.
  • A summarized table detailing all formulae across the subject.

Method 2:

The demonstration Hub (D-Hub) in the Home panel, provides a collection of all the 3D/2D demonstrations arranged topic-wise, and it is single point access of all the 3D/2D demonstration available for the subject (number around 200+ for each subject).


Method 3:

  • Towards the examination, the students will require to learn and understand the subject to score more for better academic performance.
  • Typically, the students will expect how do I score more in the exam? To support and extend our products to this scenario, we have developed a separate Question and Answer product for every subject.
  • The last 5 semesters' experience reflects the typical success rate of the Q&A app is around 75%.
  • Q&A app is delivered as an Android/Desktop app.

  • Reference textbooks for given topic/subject.
  • Links to other open resources.
  • Summary of Units and Measurements across the subject.
  • A summarized table detailing all formulae across the subject.
  • Solved Problems with visual explanations.
  • Important formulae for quick review.


  • Improved Comprehension and retention.
  • Better attention and attendance in the classroom.
  • Significant improvement in score of the average student, leading to Positive shift in Mean Score of the class.
  • The students would respond better to 3D Visual medium, and this stimulation triggers higher-order thinking skills in them.
  • The product takes away the boredom of passive lecture notes and brings in diversity through the multimedia and interpersonal nature of the product, with participation both by the teacher and the taught. Hence, resulting in more attention of the students in the classroom.
  • Language independence.
  • Making them Industry-ready.


  • The best practice followed by the experienced teachers available to conduct the class.
  • Better quality of material available for explanation.
  • Standardization of the course content and flexibility to introduce well-researched material.
  • Time to complete the course is reduced, which can be used for tutorial etc.
  • Since the teacher would spend little or no time on blackboard writings, they will have more time for problem-solving, as well as discussing university examination papers.
  • The product would fast-track the process of developing effective and efficient teachers.


  • Enhanced Employability of the outgoing students.
  • Addressing the core issue of lack of faculties in general and particularly in the rural areas.
  • Supplementing lack of industry visits by virtually bringing the Industry practices into the classroom.
  • Complementing lack of adequate infrastructure in terms of huge equipment and models with each institute.
  • Pleasantly compelled to complete the syllabus within the allocated duration.
  • Improved attendance.
  • Classroom content standardization across the state, including rural/remote locations where internet connectivity is poor/lacking.
  • Increase availability of employable resources for industry to Grow. 3D/2D visuals are well annotated in simple English so that the students from rural areas and those who have studied in their vernacular language in school, could clearly and quickly understand and comprehend the Technical concepts and applications and thus circumventing language dependence and enhancing the pass % both in the examination and employability, of even weaker students from different environments.